Before leaving home

  1. Make sure you have signed the COVID-19 consent form
  2. Fill your water bottle
  3. Change into your workout clothes
  4. Pack your spray rosin if you have it, or bring a small bag for us to put some rock rosin in for you.
  5. Bring a personal bottle of sanitizer if you have one that you want to keep near you while training
  6. Bring a spare mask in case yours gets saturated during class. A face towel is a good idea as well.
  7. Take your temperature if you are able to do so at home
  8. Do as much warmup as possible on your own

Note: If you are using your own equipment for class, it must either live at VA or be delivered at least one hour before class so it can be pre-rigged. Discuss this with your instructor before the first class.

On Arrival

  1. Mask up! Cloth face coverings are required in all common areas.
  2. Ring the doorbell and then wait outside the studio until your instructor lets you in. If others are waiting, maintain 6’ distancing on the sidewalk.
  3. Once inside, maintain proper distancing with others also waiting to be checked in. Look for the spacing indicators on the entry ramp.
  4. Check in with your instructor or other monitor on duty. They will ask you the daily screening questions, take your temperature using a contact-free thermometer if you did not take it at home, spritz you with hand sanitizer, and sign you in.
  5. Remove your shoes and outerwear and place them, along with anything you don’t need to have with you, in a cubby in the lobby. Choose a cubby unit away from other people stowing their things in order to maintain 6′ distancing.
  6. Put all belongings you want to have with you (water bottle, spare mask, notebook, phone, etc) in a small bin and place it by your assigned point (your instructor will tell you which one).
  7. Wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds.

During Class

  1. Maintain at least 6ft of distance between you and the other students at all times
  2. Wear a cloth face covering. Coverings may be removed while taking breaks on the ground. If your breathing becomes labored, take a break. It takes time to adjust to exercising in a mask.
  3. Follow proper mask handling protocol (as posted in the studio) to remove and replace your mask.
  4. Only your instructor may rig, change equipment, and touch studio audio devices, computer, light switches, fans, etc.
  5. If using VA aerial equipment, use only the equipment you have been assigned.
  6. Stay at or near your assigned point/over your mat, including during warmups.
  7. If you need to use the restroom, make sure to wash your hands first; close the toilet lid before flushing; touch as few surfaces as possible with your hands (use elbows, paper towels, etc) and wash hands again after.  Prop the bathroom door open when you leave.

After Class

  1. Allow your instructor to de-rig your equipment if using your own.
  2. If you are storing your equipment at VA, place it in its own container and store it safely in your allotted place.
  3. Spray your mat with germicide – look for the green spray bottles. Do not wipe down – it must sit for 10 minutes to be effective, so you can just spray and go.
  4. Carry your bin back to the lobby.
  5. Collect any and all personal items from your bin and cubby. Do not leave anything behind.
  6. Spray your bin with disinfectant (look for clear bottles marked ethanol or alcohol) and set aside in the lobby where directed. Again, no wiping needed – it will air dry.
  7. Do not linger in the lobby after your session. You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here.
  8. Wash/sanitize your hands before leaving the building
  9. Feel great about the fact that you are back in class!